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Beast Trainer

Beast Trainer (5/12)



  1. @Majlosugar u won. Im vermi for the trade
  2. Like i said. Its a bundle, so u getting all of them
  3. @In0 u won. Let me know when u are available
  4. S.o 100k Min bid 50k No insta Ends 24h after s.o
  5. @Mysticwind That actually worked! Ty so much buddy, have a good one!
  6. Bump
  7. @KubrickHello. So yeah i tried everything u told me but didnt work. Which are our other options on this?
  8. So i was trying to evolve my riolu. Trained it to 97, made it full happiness but it wasnt evolving. I tried to make it to faint and made it to full happiness again but nothing. Tried that 3 times. Now its 100 and unevovled
  9. @Aazraelz let me know when u are available buddy
  10. @AazraelzI believe u buddy. Let's just be sure
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