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Everything posted by Fraxxture

  1. Bump ^ message me on discord if interested
  2. Looking To Selling all pokes listed below please pm me on discord with offers @ Herpy#8559
  3. Reply to topic, PM Me here PR discord @ Herpy#8559 with offers
  4. Title says all if anyone plays league of legends on the NA Server, feel free to add me @ IAmArtisticAsFek
  5. All pokes are forsale on the gold server I'm open to accepting offers as these pokes mainly just chill in the PC. Reply to this or PM me with offers, Or dm me on discord @ Herpy#8559
  6. Wts all these pokes, will edit and add more after I sort PC
  7. Selling this aerodactyl pm me with offers on here or on discord @ Herpy#8559
  8. Join us! We have cookies
  9. I had the same issue. all you have to do is make your way back to hoenn, and go north from the pokecenter that you end up in and you'll see professor birch, the magma and aqua leaders, and pluton Just talk to him to battle. And if you lose you can battle him again right away, there's no cooldown.
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