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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I followed the post and i can confirm that 15mn bid was respected, don't understand what's going on
  2. Ok bro waiting your mp
  3. Hey yep gg ! add Blazerscout ig !
  4. Auction end 11h55 with 15mn per new bid Coming back at 2 pm for trade him, good luck
  5. Ok, this a recap : Here the bulbi : Actual offer : 1.8M Min bid : 100k Posted Thursday 10AM GMT +2 End 72h after posting.
  6. S.o - 1M Min bid - 100k Time end 72h after posting
  7. Heyyy there, I’m Pierre,but prefer Blazer , I’m 22 years old and I’m French. I started PRO from 2018 with my friends, we stopped 6 month after i think, bosses was too easy and we did’nt have many poke pvp ready. (need some luck :c) We are all mmo players, we like to help people who start the game or else.. I’m still playing with them but i’m looking for some old players to be ready to help for some price checks, advices for pvp moveset, for the PRO meta, for quests, .. I’m a huge pve fan, but i’m not closed to pvp, I’ve never ranked in PRO yet. I prefer the farm in this game, like a classic mmo i mean.. All days, i pushing hard my button « right » and « left » to hope get the perfect poke :D Integrate your guild would allow me to meet some players too. I’ve ever smogon or pokestrat open on an other window. I’m online some hours, i think 5h a day, but i’m playing at many others video games. I’m 24/7 online on discord. My name tag : ♪Blazer♪Storms♪#5110
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