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  1. Auction can be closed
  2. @frizpyy write me in game at sineij or in the discord speedshot#4572 for receive the salamence
  3. @Frizpyycongratulation you have win the salamence,write me to receive it,auction ended
  4. 400k by Frizpyy 24 hours left
  5. Start Price 400k Min Bid 50k Insta 2m Auction 24h after the first bid You can contact me here or in game(username: sineij) Good luck
  6. Name: Sineij Age: 25 Discord: Sineij#4572 Rating: my max rating is 240 but i aim to do more and more
  7. 160k medicham
  8. WTB Bulbasaur or Evo HP Fire Nature Bold Epic or semiepic IVS
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  9. even now
  10. 305k
  11. 300k
  12. 265k
  13. 255k
  14. 245k
  15. 235k
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