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Posts posted by Ihavenoskills92

  1. It was yesterday, and I just can't get that face out of my head. The face of a thief, the face of a monster. All of my jewels are gone, and that THING put it on its face. Never ever again will I leave my house on April 13th. Why, you ask? I don't know why in the world you would ask, but if you must know, I just finished robbing the Konikoni jewelry store and yes, I am a thief myself. I came into the alleyway to split our prize with my partners. After, I headed home, and there I heard it...giggling like a child at a candy store. I stopped to see what was going on, and soon after, I started to feel pain. My face full of claw marks and my back full of claw marks and I begged and BEGGED AND BEGGED FOR IT TO STOP, but it was merciless. I didn't know what Pokemon it was at the time, but all I knew was that I needed to defend myself. I sent out my Wartortle, and it fainted in an instant. After its attack full of fury, it took my jewelry away, it took my money away, it even took my sanity away, and it ran before I even realized that it did. Soon, it came back, and this time, I could see it more clearly. Gigantic gleaming smile, those sapphires for eyes, and that ruby on its chest. That's right. Who knew it could be so ruthless? Who knew it could be a...Sableye?

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