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Posts posted by Zetterstrom

  1. where in the world is the egg maniac or where is the so called egg plateau


    if you just read the whole thing, you would've gotten your answer in the second sentence of the announcement. smh

    Spectify already said "Today I announce some great news to you! We opened up the peaceful Easter Plateau for you to discover through Vermilion City"



    just going to add this in case ppl will find it hard to locate Easter Plateau:


    to go to the Easter Plateau you should be in Kanto, then go to Vermilion City. if you're already there, go to the north eastern part of the map there's a little entrance that's normally closed. walk up and then turn right (that's the only turn you'll be making anyway) you'll notice a police officer arresting an evil team rocket member and a truck, ignore them and go straight up the stairs. then you're already in Eastern Plateau.

    To activate the interactions for the eggs scattered around the regions, one must talk to the Easter Egg Maniac first. he is located a few meters away to the right of Easter Plateau's PokeCenter.

  2. Hi All,


    I would like to suggest a change in the pricing for the Moo Moo Milk particularly the one sold in Miltank Barn in Johto.

    currently it is only accessible after doing the Miltank Quest and after doing the rather easy but still time consuming quest, players get to be able to buy the yummy MooMoo Milk fresh from the barn! while it all sounds good, there's a problem i see. We can only buy one by one so it's a hassle while one can buy the same item in the Olivine City Mart without the hassle but at a lower price.

    So it had me thinking, i think the quest should be rewarding and be worth doing if players can buy fresh MooMoo Milk in Miltank Barn at a discounted rate (say 450 pokedollars each) but it could be a limited number per day and maybe have it sold as a batch (by 6's or 12's to give a nod to milk crates? xD) so it doesnt break the economy of Olivine City Mart lol-- justlike how we have NPC that sells items at discounted rate but with a limit per day (like the escape rope guy).


    I attached images as proof of the pricing problem.




    I can say that this idea is important especially to make this Miltank Quest worth doing. It will also make the Johto region more special by offering something the region can only offer, which is Fresh MooMoo Milk (yay!) Fans of the game will also appreciate the awesomeness of Miltanks and we can also get a little more appreciation to the idea of taking care of pokemons since this is essentially what i learned when i did the quest. the reward is just a bit too underwhelming. I checked the other suggestions and haven't seen anyone suggesting this so i did. but if this is already in the process or is already denied please do let me know.

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