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About Kyustorm

  • Birthday April 1

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  1. It's not working for me either :Bored:
  2. Haha xD Because Pikachu is one of my favorites too, but mostly because I usually choose Charmander in other games so I wanted to chose something different cx
  3. Sorry xD I meant add me on the actual game once you're able to play
  4. Re: Complete Pokedex [How to get every pokemon in PRO] <r><SIZE size="85"><s></s> <E>:Heart-eyes:</E> Oh my gosh thank you SOOO much for this @.@<br/> <COLOR color="#FF80FF"><s></s>This will help me so much once I finish my main story game~<e></e></COLOR><br/> Thank you again for making this, it is so well organized and written!<br/> <br/> <E>:thanks:</E> <br/> <e></e></SIZE></r>
  5. Hihi~ :Angel: I'm new too, I just started playing about 3 days ago, it's SOOO fun!! ^^ If you want you can add me if you want someone to play with / need questions answered because this game has awesome changes My ign is kyustorm, I'm in vermillion right now (As for your email, you might have to wait a little while or resend it, that happened to me too but I just waited it out)
  6. :Shy: Heyhey welcome, I'm new too! If you would like to have more peeps to play with you can add me too :Angel:
  7. Welcome~ I am also new, this game is amazing :P :Shy: Have fun! If you would like more people to have on your friends list you can add me
  8. Hello~ I also love Team Rocket a TON <3 (so much that I just started this game a few days ago and already forked up cash for the outfit aaa) I used to have a team rocket outfit on every online fan Pokemon game I've ever been on as well :P Soo remember playing them all the way back when I was in middle school.. now I'm in a college and wow time flies by haha You're also lucky that you can sprite art, I wish I could lol Anyways, when we both get good teams for pvp let's battle sometime >:]
  9. I just found out that this game exists and it's so fun and amazing. I'm looking forward to meeting new friends on here, so feel free to add me! My IGN here is kyustorm :Smile: :Heart: I found this game through some facebook ad, and I chose Pikachu as my starter lol Now he's lvl 40 before vermillion << I used to play the other pokemon mmo (you know) but I like this game A TON better lol.. (I already have the rocket uniform and a shiny magikarp & shiny manectric mount xD) My favorite Pokemon include Latios, Mightyena, Fennekin, Shaymin and Charizard <3 I also draw and maybe I will post some art here sometime soon Other games I like to play include Splatoon and Monster hunter, so if you have those add me with my NNID: kyustorm :Crazy: see you guys in the game! ♥
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