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About Atomdarkstar1

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  1. I want a choice band. Ign:- Atomdarkstar1
  2. Is 900k for Dragonite enough???
  3. s.o.-500k.(negotiable) Insta:- 1mil.
  4. Is 622 hours long enough?? I didn't know that I actually played that long. Ok . Now talking about my favorite thing in the game. It's literally everything ,except loosing in pvp . I like bossing, hunting, chilling. And of course I will try my level best to help others , Even though I will be the one seeking for help most often. XD Goals- Please God get me to top 25 once. Please. The reason why I would like to join is because my last guild is dead. It was full of good and helpful guys. Now no one comes online. There's hardly anyone talking there. It feels so haunted. Ok sorry for wasting the time of the reader. One last thing . Who the heck in the world doesn't want to be a member of a strong guild. Oh yah. About discord Tag- #9883 Name-AtomDarkstar I would be happy to join..
  5. 2nd deino 30 speed..
  6. I have a fortress with defence 17 and sturdy with ability impish. Will it do.??? I have another one with 05 def and 31 hp and 31 spdef ..which one is better??
  7. Sorry for my bad English. Now the problem is about wrong display of my location in the map in game. While I am in Sinoh, it shows that I am somewhere in between the sea.. Not on any island.. I logged out many times and then logged in. I even uninstalled the game and then reinstalled.. But the problem is still there.. I play the game on Android.. Please can u give me some solution for it..
  8. Name:- AtomDarkstar1 Age 17.. For like 5 to 6hrs a day.. Yes I have a discord ID.. But I am new to discord.. My discord tag is #9883 Username in discord is:- AtomDarkstar I am good at trade... Recently I became the hoenn champion.. Also trying to become a good pvp player... I can help in improving the guild. And making it more friendly and helpful.. No they r not the same questions.. Hope u accept me.. Waiting for a positive response...
  9. Name:- AtomDarkstar1 Age 17.. For like 5 to 6hrs a day.. No I don't use discord. But I can try it. . I am good at trade... Also trying to become a good pvp player... I can help in improving the guild. And making it more friendly and helpful.. No they r not the same questions.. Hope u accept me.. Waiting for a positive response...
  10. Hey guys.. I want to join the guild. I Hope it's a friendly one. Now about my introduction... I am from India.. My username is AtomDarkstar 1. I have 187 hrs play time.. I have completed Kanto and jhoto.. At present I am just about to challenge hoenn e4... I like ghost, fire, water, and dragon type.. The reason I want to join the guild is because.. "I want to become someone else, I want to become something else".. Also because I want to have some good comrades... My goal in this game is to enjoy the pokemon world.. And become a good trainer.. And finally," yes I would help others... Isn't it obvious?? ". Hope u like my sort of biodata. And thanks in advance.. Hope u accept me... I am sorry for my bad English.. But I think it's not that bad though... Waiting for a positive reply....
  11. Praise the Sun
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