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Everything posted by Klayna2206

  1. sure meet me in vermillion
  2. hey guys i am selling this baby accept money from gold too price 15m
  3. ok ty i undrestund but the problem is not only ralts i got another poke change his abillity i dont membre this pokes and in gold server i buy poke natu sync and i was his nature bold and change in timid this i membre too
  4. relax bb i am not go to report you for 30k hhhhhhhhhhhhh and i telld you deal i was deal and is not fake report you have to see rules and no worris i am not report for 30k and have nice day bb
  5. hey no just i am use natu poke synce and i want just know why hi the abillity of this poke change because i wass synca and change in trace just i want know if the game have problem with this and i am sorry for the inconvenience too have nice day
  6. hey i got this problem in game i got poke with sync abillity and wn i relog the abillity change and i got another ralts has change his abillty and a be happy fix this problem and have nice day this i wass ralts i membre his abillity change
  7. IGN: Klayna2206 Playtime: 2775 Hours Favorite Pokémon: Charizard Country: Nederland Age: 28 Birthday: November 06th 1992
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