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  1. Thank you zoruami. @Grabarz23 please message me ingame or on discord (ash777gg) after sometime I will finalize the deal.
  2. Please wait, mods will decide will what happen.
  3. @Grabarz23 I have contacted staff. They will clear any ambiguity and clear everything out! gl
  4. @Grabarz23 @PinkdredWell If you have any problems, wait I will contact a trade moderator, and he will decide the winner.
  5. @Grabarz23I'm sorry but I am following the UTC time, you can check that I ended the auction exactly on 7:00am UTC
  6. Pinkdred has won as 4m + 3cc totals 5.17m Congratulations Please pm me ingame- aayash, or discord ash777gg
  7. Auction ended as it is 7:01 utc now
  8. Ending in 10 minutes
  9. bump, Only 3 hours left
  10. bump, less than a day left
  11. bump
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