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  1. WOW... that is quite an annoying difference... well... if that is as intended there is no bug... I needed another item on it so just taking away the required attack solved it for me ;-) thanks for the answer
  2. Does that mean if it is happy enough/ learns the right move that it will evolve halfway any level? in the handheld games the evolve checkpoint is when it is leveled up... (if leveled up when happy enough or right move = evolve) the bug is that my Yanma "evolves" after every 1 xp... not only when level up...
  3. After hitting the right lvl and knowing Ancient Power Yanma (kanto) keeps requesting evolve after every XP gain. No new lvl is required. Not a huge thing but highly annoying while training Yanma ;-) Thaught Yanma a new move over Ancient Power for now (will teach it back later) but thought noting it would be helpfull
  4. #3449 Looking forward to the invites :)
  5. Your Discord Tag: Cael Tyr Your Trainer Card: (trainer card?) 5 badges and 54 hours played (a lot of farming) Are you an active player?: Yup Are you of the age 16 years or up?: 31 Do you meet the requirements to join this guild?: I beliebe so Why do you feel you will be a good addition for this guild?: Dedicated to a cause, helpfull and a item farmer O:) What server did you make your first account on? (Blue, Red, Yellow, Gold, or Silver): Started on Red, Silver now
  6. Looking for a guild to join. I love bug pokemon and plan to run the entire game just using those (catching anything else for dex) looking for a supportive group that i can join to also help others. Seeing i go bug only, i'm quite aware that going competitive is close to impossible, and look for a group that accepts that. Any guild interested? forgot (silver server)
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