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Everything posted by Ryderkinocha

  1. Hi, I hate to bug people, but I'm stuck between Cerulean City, Vermillion City, and Route 5. I don't know if this is considered a mapping error, a client error, or even a graphical error. It started after I came out of the underground tunnel in Route 5, wen I exited, it put me at the end of the slopes, several steps away from the entrance of the tunnel. I shrugged it off, thinking it's a little minor bug (that was probably on my end, cause I have a really slow, and damaged computer), but I then tried navigating towards Cerulean. I found that I could only go to a certain spot before I'm "teleported" back to where I was. I figured out that it seemed everything was off center. Where I was (on screen) wasn't matching up to where I'm at on the server. It shows me on one side of the map, when I'm actually on the other side!. I managed to get to Cerulean, only to come up in the bottom center of the map, right against the fence. I can't move anywhere without being teleported back, and if I move down, even though I'm at least 3 steps from the actual southern exit of the map, I'm then teleported back to Route 5, and in an even worse position, same as Cerulean where I can't go far. So now, I'm stuck with only a few grids worth of walking room. I can also see other players in the trees battling, which tells me, in sever and on their screen (hopefully), they're in the grass. I just hope I'm not the only lame duckling here with this issue. Also can someone help unstick me? please? If that has to go in another section, sorry.
  2. 20
  3. I took a bit of time to do some designs myself ^^;; I know I'm really late to this but... yeah... Link for it's right here https://i62.tinypic.com/o6fwqa.png ^^ dun kill me for being late :Shocked:
  4. I've been playing this game for a while now, but never really considered to introduce myself. So, better late than never; Hi, Im Ryder Kinocha :Smile: I've been playing pokemon since the original Red/Blue/Green/Yellow games. I actually still own Red and Yellow, both of which I played the heck out of. I'm a simple anime and gaming nerd, loving shows from FMA to SAO, and games from Pokemon to Kingdom Hearts, and even some Halo here and there. Im also an artist, *points to my avatar* and a spriter! However, I haven't sprited much in the last couple years. I am trying to get back into it though! As for this game, I have played through the Kanto region so many times (Red/Yellow/Leaf Green/SoulSilver) and for me it never gets old. Seeing how PRO portrays each town and route, I am simply in love with it! :Heart: Just the sheer renovation of these maps keeps me playing more and more :Smile: and I can't WAIT to get to Johto and other regions! And don't hate me for this long, boring post. ;~;
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