Hi, I hate to bug people, but I'm stuck between Cerulean City, Vermillion City, and Route 5. I don't know if this is considered a mapping error, a client error, or even a graphical error.
It started after I came out of the underground tunnel in Route 5, wen I exited, it put me at the end of the slopes, several steps away from the entrance of the tunnel. I shrugged it off, thinking it's a little minor bug (that was probably on my end, cause I have a really slow, and damaged computer), but I then tried navigating towards Cerulean. I found that I could only go to a certain spot before I'm "teleported" back to where I was. I figured out that it seemed everything was off center. Where I was (on screen) wasn't matching up to where I'm at on the server. It shows me on one side of the map, when I'm actually on the other side!. I managed to get to Cerulean, only to come up in the bottom center of the map, right against the fence. I can't move anywhere without being teleported back, and if I move down, even though I'm at least 3 steps from the actual southern exit of the map, I'm then teleported back to Route 5, and in an even worse position, same as Cerulean where I can't go far. So now, I'm stuck with only a few grids worth of walking room. I can also see other players in the trees battling, which tells me, in sever and on their screen (hopefully), they're in the grass.
I just hope I'm not the only lame duckling here with this issue. Also can someone help unstick me? please? If that has to go in another section, sorry.