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Koularos's Achievements



  1. Re: epic Aerodactyl <t>I start with 2m sir</t>
  2. in game : Koularos pm / friend whatever
  3. /friend Koularos Trained: start offer or instant 1m start offer or instant 300k start offer or instant 200k Slowpokes: regenerator 80k epic 55k epic 55k Other h.a
  4. w8 a minute! The learnset in the server is going according which game of pokemon? bc all this time i see according to X/Y. In X/Y pokemon learn pre evolution moves and this is the right thing!
  5. Hi ! The move Flash Cannon there isn't in the list for my Magnezone! Check this out! Propably something coded wrong with the npc Move relearner!
  6. Re: BiliBili Guild Shop - PvP & Rare Poke. <t>400k for glikar</t>
  7. hi i want spirittomb 50k!
  8. PRO Username: kaoulis Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? was happy What have you already tried to solve the problem? comminucate with gm Description and Message hi! i forgot to evolve my meditite at lvl 99 and now it is a useless meditite lvl 100!!! i have played 350 hours on this game and it is my favorite pokemon!! can u pls fix this and evolve my meditite? REALLY I AM SO DEPRESSED!!! I WANNA CRY!
  9. (removed)!! i was farming for a perfect whismur and it is useless without boomburst
  10. why boomburst isnt available on move relearner npc?
  11. I give 1 million and MOREEEE for epic Shellder or Cloyster ! Ability: Skill Link Natures: Impish, Lax, Adamant, Naughty, relaxed(spd>20), Brave(spd>20) (HIGHLY PREFER IMPISH) IVs: HP & DEF & ATT >=21 SPD > 15(except relaxed and brave) Payment: start 1 MILLION for HP & DEF & ATT = 21 +65.000 for +1 iv on HP, DEF and ATT(for example if ATT=31 price=+65.000 * 10) So with perfect 31 hp att def i pay 3 MILLION!!!
  12. post here Houndoom or Houndour (pref pic) with nature Timid(or Hasty Naive) and ONLY ability Flash Fire!!! If it worths i can pay more than 700k!!!
  13. i take my offer back! gl
  14. 100k spheal
  15. Re: Krem Shop : Good pokemon, Low cost <t>i want muk</t>
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