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  1. Instead of exping Charmender, catch a Budew, a Poliwag or a Mankey. Budew can be caught in Viridian during the Morning or the Day; while Poliwag is on Route 22 during Night, and Mankey on route 22 at every hour. Or if you catch a good IV Pidgey, you can trade it for an Oddish in Viridian. That should help a lot for defeating Brock; especially if you get a Grass Pokemon you can use it for Misty as well.
  2. Hello. I'll put a list of my WTB here. Pm me IG @ Kehvor if you have anything i need. With price. High Priority Adamant Murkrow, good IVs on SPD and ATK. Rest doesn't matter. Low Priority Eevee; good IVs on SPDef, DEF and SPD. Attention: I don't care if it isn't 31/31 on the stats i'm searching. Even if it's like 20-20, or around it, as long as the nature is fine, i'll take it. I'm not looking for Epic Pvp Poke for now; just good Poke.
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