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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. sold already bro sorry
  2. Alomomola and diggersby sold
  3. Dnite sold and Togekiss
  4. WTS some of my PVP POKES. Pm for your offers then I will decide :) this my discord JoshuaWallero#5647
  5. JoshuaWallero#5647 pm me at discord I cant upload here
  6. I have pm me not h.a
  7. Add me my friend and we will dominate the guild ladder :)
  8. i got the rotom bro i won the auction
  9. and I have question when this auction gonna finish ? pls help mods ty
  10. any mod here to decide who is the winner
  11. 700k if auction is not finish
  12. auction is finished who wins ?
  13. start it bro
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