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  1. Post with price
  2. Thank you @Fusionflair it works so much better now, I really was struggling with the bug.
  3. I have the same problem with my Samsung a52 and Samsung s21. Is it something to do with Samsung itself? Screen_Recording_20240513_190824_PROClient.mp4
  4. I think I won the alakazam pm me if u are online
  5. Start alakazam
  6. I am existing player, thought today I could play this game, but no the game refused to install. I have sufficient space. What could be the problem, any suggestions?
  7. I want to buy a torrent Ada 29+ ATK and 23+SPD, pm me in game or just post it here with price,no repeat with price
  8. Bought at insta 1m by ifrake, Thank you for bidding guys
  9. c.o. 510k by baburao sry I forgot to take a screenshot
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