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  1. The links Xylos posted answer your questions as well hun.
  2. This question has already been answered twice in this thread. Check out the links that Xylos posted and you will get your answers.
  3. That didn't answer my question at all. I already did the merging process. What I am trying to figure out is why I can't log in despite the servers showing as "online" in the server status page. Is this due to the servers being tested? Or was there a problem when I attempted to transfer my data over to the Silver Server?
  4. You have to log in and go into support. There you can transfer your character data over to the new server. Of course this just leads to another question. Every time I try after doing this it says "Server Locked" and I can't log in despite transfering my information from the Red Server to the Silver Server. I checked the Server Status and it shows as online. What is even going on?
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