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Everything posted by Julianpa93

  1. After a few attemps my problem is solved, thanks a lot to [mention]Artoriel[/mention] for all the help. PS: My mew sucks though :Crazy:
  2. Hi there, I will take care of your case as soon as possible. I will need you to be online to be able to fix your variables. When you're online, please look for me or other Content Scripters in game or PRO Official Discord. Sorry for the inconvinience... Thank you, i'll be checking discord.
  3. I can't battle him, look at the original post screenshots.
  4. Hello there! Yes I did, although, with the upcoming christmas event, they are kind of busy lately :Smile: Sorry for the delay, and again for the inconvenience! I'll get back to you once we get to know more; bump it in a day or two again in case we don't :Angel: Also, in the case they indeed need to change your variables, you will have to get online at the same time than one of them, so if you could already state your timezone and the time you usually come online, it will help them :) Thank you for your patience, and I wish you a great day! :Heart: i usually play from 10 am to 1 pm GMT -5
  5. . . . It is used to restore the lost legendaries' seen data; if it doesn't work, I will forward this to a Content Scripter to look into your variables ingame I'm looking forward for your answer; until then, I wish you a good day! :Smile: I'm sorry for the repost, but i want to know if you forwarded already this thread to the content scripter. I still can't catch mew, hence i cant continue with the other legendary quests.
  6. Hello there, and foremost, I'm sorry for the inconvenience! Could you have a check at this PC, in Prof. Oak's lab, in Pallet Town, Kanto? It is used to restore the lost legendaries' seen data; if it doesn't work, I will forward this to a Content Scripter to look into your variables ingame I'm looking forward for your answer; until then, I wish you a good day! :Smile: Hello and thank you for your response. I interacted with the NPC and it said it restored my Raikou and Entei entries. It didn't restore the information about mew and the situation still the same, the lapras isn't there and mew still unseen.
  7. Hello, my ingame username is julianpa93 and i play in the red server. Today i completed the kanto pokedex and traveled with the pallet town lapras to mew's location, and when i was in front of him, in the right moment i interacted i got disconnected. After that i relogged and mew wasn't there so i went to the boss nikola but i couldn't challenge him, also the lapras in pallet town isn't there anymore. In these screenshots you can see the lapras is not there although i got the old sea map (item required to get to mew's location) and i don't have mew registered in the pokedex (never got to fight him). also you can see i cannot challenge boss nikola. Any help will be appreciated, Thank you.
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