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  1. Those are excatly my thoughts... I got acces to my pokemons, but i still have to go tru gym leaders from the begining. Also lost items that i bought just yesterday (for real cash) even tho It wasnt a huge buy, but it still seems like a waste of time and money to even continue playing this game if they cant handle something so basic as players database... Sorry for going oftopic, but im getting really angry.
  2. Yeah but they clearly have no idea how to solve it... im starting to get annoyed.
  3. Update! I Recreated character and i have all pokemons from my previous game, but i lost whole progress i made trough game, and ofcourse i lost my custome cloths with i bought yesterday just before server merging about with i didnt know...........
  4. Seems like we have no choice but to lose progress and start new game...
  5. Yes i choosed Blue as my main thats why it still says i had X time played, but i still have to start new game :( No i had progress only on blue.
  6. Thank you for quick reply. I already did it. I have this issue AFTER i merged my accounts
  7. Hello. After Merging accounts it says that i played X hours but when i log in i have to start new game. Any way to fix this?
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