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Posts posted by Teamrocketboss

  1. The task master just keeps giving tasks one after another without any cooldown.

    There was already a post in this section from another player talking about it from July 3rd, but it's happening to me now.

    I'm not sure if it is global or just for me since this is the first time i see this bug.

  2. If the first pokemon in your party (fainted or healthy) have the same level or is below the level of the pokemon you encounter, the repel won't work.

    Repel only works if your first pokemon is at a higher level than the wild pokemons.

    • Like 1
  3. That is why the items should be bounded to the player.

    That doesn't take away the problem... everybody would have a lot of items and no one would buy anything from other people.

    Trading is a big part of any MMO game

  4. Daily login bonus sounds like a good idea, but only if it gives items like balls, potions and berries. Otherwise it gives room for people to abuse this with alt accounts tbh.


    Getting shinies, rare items, mounts and other items you can get from the coin shop would ruin the game's economy.


    IMO it should be something to help early game, not something exploitable.

  5. This is just a visual bug, as the intended moves are there if i click in the pokemon on the top left of the screen.

    This bug happens when, prior to the level ups, i have free slots on the moves.


    Yesterday i also saw that if i teach various moves in a row through level up, sometimes they don't appear in the next move, for example in the pic of that piplup if i teach peck in replace for bubble, the next move learned will show that bubble is still there instead of peck; but it is still just a visual bug.


    I will try to use those procedures to see if it fixes the problem. Thank you for helping.

  6. I was leveling my piplup and when i leveled up it showed the bug in the picture below. After that the move that was there was water sport.

    It´s just a visual bug. I leveled up 26 levels in a single battle, perhaps that's why it happened.


  7. How many boxes can be filled in the pc.


    You can have up to 900 Pokemon total, in your party and in your box. If you try to catch more pokemon it won't allow you to throw pokeballs.

    It is possible to fill 60 boxes in the PC, bearing in mind that you have to add the Pokemon in your party.

    You can check the number of Pokemon in the Trainer card, below the pokedex icon.

    • Like 2
  8. This idea is not bad but can be improved imho. I've been leaving the game more than once because I feel like wasting my time everytime I've to trade something.

    Maybe a better idea would be make a global database where all players can add sellable pokemon. Every row of this table has a pokemon, with stats, moves, ivs, nature, price and name of the seller. You can add comments to pokemon that are in this table, for negotiation. Every time someone comments a pokemon that you are selling you'll get a notification.


    And now as the buyer the coolest thing, a system that makes you enter the pokemon name and some minimum characteristic (ivs, lvl, ect) and the system looks automaticaly for pokemons that soddisfy those things and are in the selling table.


    Of course, all trades will still be done at pokecenter face 2 face, but this system will make everything easier


    But maybe its late to change this, who knows.... Lets hope


    That's a very good idea, but it seems very complex and time-spending for the game developers to implement.

    Would rather have a more basic platform for selling at first and then pursuit a more ambitious idea like yours.


    Let´s hope developers read these suggestions :)

  9. First of all, there is a similar suggestion on the list of denied and non negotiable suggestions

    • Auction house or Market place
      A platform for easier buying and selling of pokemon was planned, unfortunately the server will never be stable enough to support the feature without constant risk of pokemon, items and money being lost, which means it's not a viable addition and regretfully can't be added to PRO


    But i think that suggestion is about a more complex system that what i have in mind.



    To avoid that risk of loosing pokemons, items and money i suggest that every person had a "shop/to sell" option on their drop down list when you right click on their names, where you could see pokemons they chose to sell. It could aesthetically be like the pc boxes where you could search for the pokemons name.


    My idea is to have something like a ticking box in your boxed pokemons when you want to sell those pokes. Once you tick the box in that pokemon other people that see your "shop" would see that pokemon.

    There would be no risk of loosing pokemons because that would be just a platform to show them, the trades had to be done by yourself.


    This method would be very useful for people that have a lot of the same pokemons to sell, but can´t put them all in the trade chat, or just people that have a lot of pokemons to sell.

    Once you get that pokemon in your party it would not appear more in the "shop" boxes.

    Also, it would be useful if the person that wants to buy the pokemon to see the region that the pokemons are from.



    That´s all i can think right now, if you have any suggestion or think that i forgot any important detail, feel free to comment

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