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Posts posted by Addiinstinct

  1. Seriously, thanks for making Pokemon Revolution Online!

    It's such a beautiful game and I'm very in love with PRO and have met great people here ALREADY!

    The community you guys have for PRO is just, amazing!

    And I understand you guys probably have a lot of backlash and toxicity coming from many many people who have come across PRO.

    But I just wanted to take the time and send you this message (Before I go to work!) and tell you all how much I appreciate what you have done for PRO and make such a high quality and PERFECT game!

    I want you to know that you have a very big fan here and I wish for you ALL THE BEST and want you to keep going!!!

    Never look down and keep aiming high into the skies! You've made it this far, PRO is just THE BEST.


    Thank you, team, for ALL your hard work and dedication in making sure that we all have a blast in PRO!

    I know I am!!!


    I love you so much,


    • Like 2
  2. I've received a Discord Link already

    But I feel I should go ahead and still put in an application as well =)


    1. What's your Player name?



    2. Number of hours played?

    1 or less than 1


    3. What's your favorite Pokemon?

    That's so hard for me, I have lots. But, I do love Ghost Pokemon very much... I'll go with my classic, Gengar <3


    4. How old are you?

    I'm 29 years old


    5. When's your Birthday? (Optional)

    October 3rd, can't believe I'm turning 30 this year.

  3. I do not think you'd want me to join your guild yet =)

    I just started PRO. I haven't even downloaded the game yet~

    I was just looking through guilds because, I love to play with a family!~

    Your guild fits the bill for me!!!

    Please PM me if you want to keep in touch with me and let me know your preferred playtime hours to join~

    I WILL be joining your guild at some point, I'm DEDICATED :Heart_Eyes:


    Pokemon GO and PRO will be the only 2 games I play!

    I've been finding myself not playing anything else but Pokemon GO lately the last month.

    And I know I want PRO to be put under my belt of games to play. And it's still Pokemon!!! 2 Pokemon games <3


    I promise I'm dedicated and will be starting on the Silver Server and working my butt off to join your guild! <3

  4. I don't really play anything else but Pokemon.

    Pokemon GO at that.

    My name is Addison and I'm 29 years old. I've been finding myself only play Pokemon GO and not being able to touch any other game.

    If I'm stuck at home, I'm watching Netflix or socializing with internet friends, never play any other video game.

    I love to be outdoors and play Pokemon GO and breathe in the fresh air while getting some exercise.


    Now, here's Pokemon Revolution Online!

    Something for me to do when I'm not out playing Pokemon GO and just want to relax at home! Like I did all day today!

    I'm really excited to get PRO going and play an even more exciting Pokemon game! While chatting with new friends, if I should make any!!!


    Could you please tell me a nice friendly guild/server I should get into? Thanks very much!

    Actually, I'll just take a look at the guild forums area!

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