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Mrcosta77's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Re: TeamRocketShop *NEW* LV 100 // NEW EV TRAINING SYSTEM <t>New lv 100 added!</t>
  2. Yes please. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=43318
  3. Re: wts godly timid charmander <t>i start .. 100k</t>
  4. How can it be just a visual glitch if he literally tanked the amount of HP that healed?
  5. I was fighting in pvp against Blacksunday. When my umbreon confused his Conkeldurr. His Conkeldurr tried to use Drain Punch but it failed and hurt himself.. instead of damage him.. he just got almost full heal.. So i guess this his bugged since i dont believe it is suppose to work like this.
  6. Price: 600k!
  7. Re: TeamRocketShop *NEW* LV 100 // NEW EV TRAINING SYSTEM <t>*Magnezone Sold*<br/> *Greninja Sold*<br/> *Ninetales H.A. added*</t>
  8. Re: Costa´s Shop !- *NEW* Magnezone on Auction // NEW EV TRAINING SYSTEM <r><QUOTE author="klevi9"><s> </e></QUOTE> No, im looking for people to ev train my pokemons. Its everything written in the post</r>
  9. Re: Costa´s Shop ! Stay and browse! - *Magnezone On Auction* <r>*Current Offer on Magnezone is 300k by Chili11* <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/ECNrggV.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  10. I already have 116 posts made
  11. Re: Costa´s Shop ! Stay and browse! - *Lucario Added* <r><QUOTE author="Pilsen"><s> </e></QUOTE> Unfortunatly i can´t send PM´s for some reason. 350K is the Insta on magnezone.<e> </e></QUOTE> Haha thats fine, can I offer u 250k? <E>:Shy:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> Sure. The auction ends in 24 hours.</r>
  12. Re: Costa´s Shop ! Stay and browse! - *Lucario Added* <r><QUOTE author="Pilsen"><s> </e></QUOTE> Unfortunatly i can´t send PM´s for some reason. 350K is the Insta on magnezone.</r>
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