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About Ovalle

  • Birthday 02/01/1998

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  • Occupation
    University student

Ovalle's Achievements



  1. Welcome, friend!
  2. Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm enjoying it so far, and I'm sure I'll continue to enjoy it!
  3. Thank you for the welcome! :D
  4. Ahoy! I am Ovalle in PRO, on the silver server (feel free to add me) as I am very new to this game (and could probably use the help) but not new to Pokémon at all. It was a game I grew up with (as many of us have). I'm glad to join the community, and the game, from what I've experienced in-game it's extremely enjoyable, and I hope to be able to learn more about it to become a strong trainer! Glad to be here, and be apart of this online Pokémon world!
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