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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Ninetales 450K Feraligatr 200K
  2. Hey all! WTS does 2 good pvp pokemons: Nintales Perfect Sp.Attacker! Max Speed + Max Sp.Att + H.A + H.P water Ferali Very Massive Strong Poke, H.A! Free delivery + Free moveset changes for buyer's satisfaction!
  3. Save for me the umbreon pliz! ill pay 70K more for saving...
  4. Hello! I want to suggest to add the moves: 1. Grassy Terrain 2. Leech Seed Explain: to gloom and her evo. in the formalic games she learn thoes as pre-evolution move grassy terrain. ist because they both are very important for the competitive moveset for the competitive battles and the PvP of Vileplume or Bellossome! So please, Consider this option. it will make this poke very atractive in the game like in the formals. HOPE that you think about it in a positive way. Thanks :)
  5. what region?!?
  6. Hey everyone!!! im WTB Onix is those conditions: 1. ‘adamant’ or ‘careful’ nature 2. ‘Sturdy’ ability 3. Godly/epic/nice IV’s Paying: I pays according to the Onix quality, between 350K-550K Big Thank to the helpers :))
  7. 650K
  8. is he EPIC one? ho woth 300K? or how match?
  9. yea this is a godly ninetails... but i cant buy hoenn poke yet... :((
  10. WTB epic timid volpix. With: 29-31 Speed 28-31 Special att 19-31 Deff & Special deff 24-31 HP WTB epic Modest/Bold Exeggcute. With: 21-31 Speed 22-31 Special att 24-31 Deff & Special Deff 24-31 HP *** for now i can buy poke only from kanto&jhoto ***
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