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Everything posted by Xchaspepper

  1. DOesnt it work with black sludge?
  2. Hey jero1989 your porygon is safe cant connect atm will add you asap and give it back ! /____Done :D
  3. So i cant have qwil with sd? rip dream
  4. Qwilfish canĀ“t learn sword dance with TM although it should
  5. Nickname: xChasPepper Pokemon: Poliwag Current lvl: 21 Final lvl: 98 Evolve at lvl: 98 Move keep: -
  6. ohh sorry taken back noticed somthing with bugged ability
  7. Nickname: xChaspepper Pokemon: Tentacool Current lvl: 40 Final lvl: 95 Evolve at lvl: no evolve Move keep: -
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