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Everything posted by Sayainji

  1. Can we have Goku Black, Vegito outfits? also Gohan white hair wig for head part and SSJ 2 hair wig and Goku black rose hair ? that would be dope if those were added to the PVE shop ^^ thank you
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  2. it's already past 3 days @Ngiannas lemme know when you're available
  3. @Itzspooky I've tried contacting you in game but you're offline, please let me know when you're available
  4. it's already past 18 hours now. I should have won this
  5. btw in the main post it say current offer 350K by Senox, but he did say 305K , so i did bid 307K
  6. it's already written 950K
  7. Auction Jolly Halloween Weavile S.O 950K min bid 50K ends in 48 hours after first bid no insta, accept CC = 400K Good luck ^^ Contact me IGN : Sayainji Discord : sayainji
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