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Everything posted by Dantealligheri

  1. More "trainer" clothes, like Red, May, Brendan. It would be cool
  2. Tympole at Glacial site without shiny rock. 4,5k discoveries
  3. Crescendo cada vez mais!
  4. The New server download on Android is bugged "Error 404" Please reupload
  5. I can't drag my pokemons and change the order, or move pokemons from pc to my team or from my team to pc And poochyena is not on pc, but i can't use too!
  6. Oh, i checked... the item will not do pokemon's held, it's going to backpack... sorry!
  7. My Alakazam used the "Thief" move against a Wild Tentacool/Tentacruel (I didn't remember), and on the battle, have stolen his item (poison barb), but, after the battle, my Alakazam didn't held the item. What is happened?
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