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  1. TRADED. Can someone please close the topic? :thanks:
  2. Re: WTS shiny Spinarak 26 atk <r><QUOTE author="Red05"><s> </e></QUOTE> I guess you won! ^^<br/> Please add me as friend in the game so I can see when you are on-line and do the trade</r>
  3. Re: WTS shiny Spinarak 26 atk <r><QUOTE author="Red05"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thx!<br/> <br/> george4560019 offered 60k<br/> <br/> would you like to cover?</r>
  4. https://imgur.com/a/ERwFY wts shiny spinarak b.o. a.t.m. 40k insta 200k
  5. thank you everybody who answered I think the easiest way is the Tiarra suggestion: but I don't have any of this pokes :Crazy: I think I will give up for while and come back later
  6. ~ Topic moved to proper forum. ~ You don't need any badges to use Rock Smash outside battle. As for Fishing Rods, if you're getting the "..." animation above your head when using the Fishing Rod, it's working properly. It may take some time to encounter an actual Pokemon, though, so keep using the Rod until a battle window pops up. You don't need the 4th badge to use rods. They work fine without it as I was using the water in Ecruteak to train before the gym. This is correct, you don't need any badges to use Fishing Rods in Kanto or Johto. However, you do need five badges to use a Fishing Rod in Hoenn, which is where the confusion may have arisen from. :) thank you I thought rod wasn't working because a I didn't fish anything in some tries.
  7. Hi, guys What you think is the best way to catch a Abra? I'm in route 35 (johto) looking for it for some time and the encounter rate is too low and i'm throwing straight an ultra ball but I only got 3 and loose 8 or more. Abra is too fast to try put it in sleep (I tried with a Bellsprout level 20 against one Abra 13). I also consider to use a Golbat with Mean look but it will take a time because I don't have one. Well, Do you have any tip?
  8. ok but do you have some list or link about what bandage I need for what? I didn't find =/
  9. and others hm's and tm's work without badges?
  10. Hi guy, I'm newbie in Johto and I'm a bit confused. :confused: What can I use from Kanto and what can't I? Examples: bike = yes potions = yes pokes = no tm's and hm's = yes all tm and hm works without badge = ???? rod = ???? ( It makes the animation but I think it's not working) I have got only one "rock smash" and I only would like to use it if it was working out of battle etc
  11. Thanks for the anwser but why paying :Frown: I had loved the GB Abras the teleport us for friendship :Smile:
  12. Hi guys, Is there some reason for every Abra are talking the same phrase in Johto? And also is there a reason to a lot of them? Abra: A wise person once said: To be the best, you have to beat the best Become a champion! Me: Did you just... ?!?
  13. It doesn't matter where your Rattata is from. As long as you are the OT, you will be able to use it. OK :thanks:
  14. Hi, No problem if my Rattata was from Johto, right?
  15. wtb nocturnal feather
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