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Amit2003's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Oh ok cool! thanks.
  2. Oh so that's why i got Level Ball xDD well ty do you know what the cooldown for The Advent boss?
  3. how can i get other pokeballs except great ball, ultra, and normal?
  4. You need to wait untill a staff reply.
  5. Not much, timid is the best for charmander.
  6. I agree^
  7. Almost Epic. s.o 500k Insta 1.2m I will announce when the auction will end when someone will start^
  8. Just asked xd it would be nice if it was in the game
  9. I asked if its exist? Like u can transfer items to pve coins or will be?
  10. I mean pve items to pve coins
  11. Will there will be a way to exchange Pve items / pve to coins?
  12. Hey, you can get dome fossil at Mt Moon probably you choosed the other fossil there are 2 fossils there.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQAIfx-IqSM:319 hope you enjoy even that is not english :D
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