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About Hipek

  • Birthday 04/23/1993

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  1. I have tried it and even evolved it. Parasect can't relearn Spore as well... Tangela can relearn Ancient Power so I'm fine with it now. :D I was afraid that it'll be same with Tangela as it was with Paras and Parasect. :)
  2. Actually it's a bug since in ANY of Nintendo's games she had to level up WHILE knowing move. :) I'm afraid to forget this move since not all moves can be relearned. I have lost my epic Paras (pokemon to catch other pokes) because he can't relearn Spore. :p
  3. Hi. I happened to find this bug while trying to train EV's of Tangela. It's kinda annoying because her evolution is set wrong. Game keep asking about evolution EVERY time when I get ANY experience on Tangela while knowing Ancient Power. Game should try to evolve her only when leveled up while knowing Ancient Power. It's minor bug but should be fixed imo. //I can't use everstone and macho brace at same time so don't suggest to use it. :)
  4. Thanks a lot, thread can be closed now if it's truth. :)
  5. Hi. I would like to know how Milotic gain ability after evolving from Feebas. Is it random thing? Or is it dependable on Feebas' ability? Both Feebas and Milotic have 3 abilities, one is hidden. Does hidden ability always evolve into hidden ability? Swim Swim always evolve into Marvel Scale? How it works?
  6. With all respects but you just said that script isn't bugged in any way so how can I get stuck in it? Try to add function to check if script is working or something. I'm sure that it isn't stopped, it's just that pop up window isn't showing so I can't use action button to step forward, right? :p
  7. He can even set WSAD, since it's possible to change in options. :) Search for "Key Binding".
  8. Then updating ReSynch button to let it solve this issue would be nice since it's bothersome to wait 500+ people in queue. :) It's just my suggestion.
  9. Hi. I'm getting stuck at poke center while trying to heal pokemons at Nurse Joy. It don't happen all times. Sometimes I'm just trying to go to her and talk and then she won't respond, I can't move and resynch button don't work. When this happen player need to log out and log in again but it's annoying when there's queue for 500 people. :) I just happened to encounter this bug again so I though I'll report it while waiting as 500th person in queue.
  10. It was crash. It's off since 8:19 CEST. A bit more than 2 hours 30 minutes for now.
  11. Hi. I'm here because I encountered problem while doing Viridian Maze Quest. I was at end of the maze, picking up blue pokeball. That time server crashed... I got kicked and pokeball disappeared. I don't have pokemon in bag neither pokemon center. It's basically lost. Could I, in any case, get pokemon back? They are good pokemons and they are helpful... I would like to have it and I lost it not by my fault. It should be easy to check if I'm telling truth. Quest Flag is "done" and I don't have pokemon. I would appreciate any help from administrators.
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