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Everything posted by Lilkrillin

  1. All i have in the shop except the ones i said in the last comment since the shop update, i dont wanna lose my time editing other time the post
  2. Hello i am selling this broken monster, you can sweep all if you know how to use it :D Start offer is 250k - 3 days from the first bid, auction wont be canceled
  3. I can go now if you want just tell me
  4. Crobat jolly and octillery sold
  5. I was waiting to sell the kingdra for 150k but i dont find the buyer, the first in answer will get it
  6. Thanks you too :P A pleasure to trade and meet u 200k
  7. I have a buyer for it already ill advise u if i dont sell it, 200k with discount
  8. Shop is temporaly closed. I will be online to trade all pokemon that was deal
  9. Myghtyena Wigglytuff and hypno are not aviable now
  10. Okay, but i cant go online today, we can deal tomorrow
  11. Hey sorry, i saved Myghtyena for a friend already :/ but if want other shiny i will make u good price
  12. Staraptor sold and some shinys added
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