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About Leafalcor

  • Birthday 03/18/1997

Personal Information

  • Career
    Final year at highschool (and finishing second year of cert II in VET)
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  • Occupation
    Final year at highschool (and finishing second yea

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  1. Rollout does not increase damage by base damage with each consecutive use, on multiple occasions ive taken hits from low level geodudes with rollout and their damage remains the same with each hit, (about one quarter on my flying types)
  2. An NPC trainer in Route 11 Kanto region (outside diglett cave) uses dialogue like "watch out for live wires". He uses magnemites and magnetons in battles as well, i believe he is meant to be an electrician/engineer NPC rather than a random chef, keep up the good work PRO admins, looking forward to seeing the game develop more :Grin:
  3. Leftovers applies at the end of the turn healing the user by 1/16th as normal but it applies even if the battle is over on the last turn which it shouldnt, i believe end of turn effects have been applying to ended battles for other things as well but this is the only one that comes to mind
  4. Disable is listed a non-coded move it isnt in the game yet properly, it will probably be added soon, but you can always box it or change moves for now https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=15351 this link has the list of currently invalid moves/abilities because they either have the incorrect effects or arent coded in yet, its a good game they will get to it eventually hang in there bud :Grin:
  5. Hey my IGN is Leafalcor, new to PRO but been playing pokemon in general for about 10 years, so far only beaten brock and misty but plan to get further ingame soon, meeting new players is fun and battling with others who are around similar level brackets
  6. had same issue have already made report earlier though
  7. have experienced the same issue, flying types dont become grounded after my geodude uses smack down on them
  8. If you lose to a gym leader in Kanto when you rematch them defeating their pokemon yields no exp (only been tested on the first two, i rematched brock personally got no exp, a friend rematched misty experienced same issue)
  9. Rapid spin does not remove certain hazards that it should (only tested leech seed, my ivysaur used it on a trainers squirtle and rapid spin was used every turn by the NPC but did not at any point stop leech seed damage or generate a removal text)
  10. Water sport does not apply the field effect reducing fire damage and instead is treated as an extremely low power offensive move (i think physical)
  11. The move pursuit doesnt apply before a switch if one is attempted (tried on the route above nugget bridge, was able to switch doduo without getting hit) damage also did not double as it should have
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