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Everything posted by Moonshyne

  1. my PM is messed up i opned a ticket for it Im online right now
  2. Now that the servers are back up let me know a time to meet you online to complete our transaction
  3. Your pokemon is complete and ready for collection at your earliest convenience! Not sure what has been going on, but i have been unable to contact anyone from this shop for days, ingame or otherwise. My dragonite is still with SparklyLemonade was wondering when she will be back?
  4. PRO Username: Moonshyne Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Just playing and logging in as ausual What have you already tried to solve the problem? Relogged, and made posts someone told me i needed 8 Description and Message
  5. Probably tonight if you can. I'll be on at about 3 pm eastern standard time
  6. LEt me Know SparklyLemonade when a good time to be on is ive been trying to catch you on for days
  7. let me know when a good time to meetg ya in game is
  8. Im online now SparklyLemonade
  9. 3 Memberships and 50k on the Charizard
  10. ill be on when the servers come back up
  11. Was wonderingnwhy it says thsie, i could send them before.
  12. Welcome to PRO have fun
  13. Welcome and enjoy
  14. Welcome to PRO
  15. Welcome man, it is a blast
  16. im logging into game currently
  17. I have been trying to reply to the reciept but it says im not authorized to send Private Messages. Im in game now
  18. GN: Moonshyne Pokemon: Dratini Current Level: 45 Final Level: 100 Shall we evolve for you?: Dragoniar, and Dragonite at 99 and 100 Shall we EV train for you?: yes 252 Atk 252 speed remaining hp Rush order? take your time Moves to keep?: Outrage Dragon Dance ill teach it the others Thank you for your time
  19. Re: ★ Trollrah, Dizzi, & SuriX's Super Fast Daycare!! ★ <t>.</t>
  20. Dragonite Male Multiscale IVs 25+ Speed and Atk Adamant Nature Nidoking Sheer Force Ivs 25+ SpA and Speed Timid NAture
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