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Everything posted by Sciencedog

  1. So I'm restarting on Blue Server and I remember getting 3 rare candies after beating the rocket hideout, but this time i didn't get them! Am I just crazy and you get 3 from something else and not the rocket hideout?
  2. I haven't played in a week because of the hype for the blue server (and i cant connect half the time anyways) so i really hope it's out tomorrow because if it's not, then, well, :Shocked:
  3. I don't know but I realllyyy hope it's soon
  4. It's ok I will be moving to the new server aswell and I only have 3 badges but yesterday I logged into the game and my first pokemon encounter was Electabuzz lol.. I have 15 badges, a mount + membership, and 80+ hours but I cant wait to restart because I realized how much I screwed up in the beginning and how little I knew about IV's EV's and other stuff and I just like fresh starts so i mean it's just me, but I think that this is going to be great. And I doubt they are going to continuously add more servers, but they had to quickly come up with a solution to the influx of new players. With time, both servers will have a much higher server capacity. Just, it takes time. LOTS of it. Which they don't have if they want to prevent a riot.
  5. No no nono, probably not for a while. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if they are planning to release the blue server and Hoenn simultaneously... :O
  6. (Wow, when I started the thread, I hadn't expected it to turn into this! XDD) I don't know. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I'm sure they've already taken all of this into consideration and their main goal is to create more room and solve the problem for the mass amounts of newbies joining lately. We should appreciate what they are trying to do, in such short amount of time, along with HOENN's development and of course, their personal lives!
  7. I honestly doubt the Red Server is going to be that bad. At the very least, I'm sure the devs will advise new players to join the Blue server so it's not filled with inexperienced players. And the reason they are adding the new server is because the overload of new players, which honestly came out of nowhere, and every day hundreds of new members are joining and trying out the game, so if they just join the blue server that will leave many of those on the Red Server who dont want to restart with plenty more room and a much lower queue time.
  8. I don't know, I'm in blackthorne and ihave 7 badges and I'm eager to restart now knowing a lot more about the mechanics and how not just PRO works, but pokemon in general. I'm excited to be able to restart- that is, if I'm able to keep my membership status on both servers... :o
  9. No, your characters will start from zero on the other server, where your progress on the one you are current using will remain intact. Is there an estimated time this will be added? I may move to that server since im still fairly fresh in the game. So if its soon I may not even work to get more badges. You know? According to the server status page it says within a weeks time.
  10. No, your characters will start from zero on the other server, where your progress on the one you are current using will remain intact. Awesome! That's what i was hoping for. Thanks!
  11. I'm excited to see that a new serer is being implemented! Though I have a question: Will you be able to use your character across each server or will the Red server and the Blue serer be two different characters? Personally I'd prefer the latter, but I don't really mind. I just want to know how it will work!
  12. Hello all, Sciencedog here! Ten days ago I discovered the best online Pokemon mmorpg out there on the 'net, Pokemon Revolution Online- Wait what, he's only been playing for ten days? Psh, we need EXPERIENCED players for our guilds. This guy is a nooooob. Wait, just hear me out! As I was saying, I joined 10 days ago and am just in love.... despite the constant crashes and downtime. It's so worth it! I've been playing Pokemon for years but there was always that one aspect that was missing, interaction with other players! I've already logged in 60+ hours over the course of 10 days spanning over 3 separate accounts, with each starter (excluding pikachu) and I just can't stop playing and I love the ability to trade and talk and use the help system when needed. Buttttttttt, there is still something I feel I'm missing! Which brings me back to the point of this here thread. I'm searching for a fun guild where people talk (IG and OOG), help, and trade amongst each other. One not too serious, and doesn't care about the level or experience, rather, the heart and willingness to enjoy the great game that it is. If anyone out there wouldn't mind inviting me to their guild, I would greatly appreciate it! (Also, if you have questions or anything just reply below or pm me thank you)
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