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  1. I've literally skipped 0 trainers, have a membership and have used a +25% EXP boost through the whole game. I read in another post that you can simply log out before the battle starts and skipped it using this exploit. There should be a warning to prevent people from wasting tens of thousands of $ trying to beat this, only to have to restart. It makes no sense. Also, the difficulty is too high. Something like that would be fine if we were able to evolve our pokemon before level 100, but with the current exp system, you would have to be an idiot to evolve anything before level 99/100. With this in mind, an opponent's evolved pokemon with half your level will often outclass you in speed, and one shot you due to the stat differences. Something of this high caliber difficulty would be fine if the experience system wasn't completely out of tune in this game, but with the way the game is now, Mt. Pyre seems impossibly hard without exploiting in-game mechanics. I hope your team will listen to what I'm saying and keep this in mind. Thanks. TLDR: Either inform the players before hand or decrease the difficulty/number of trainers or fix the experience issues with evolving your pokemon. Also, gaining experience for these fights would be greatly appreciated! What is the point of such a hard struggle with no reward? It's just ludicrous.
  2. If you want video proof I'm sure I could download something to record my screen too, but I don't have the patience to do that after spending an hour trying to bypass this stupid glitch.
  3. Hi, I've battled these damn trainers on the exterior, all of which give 0 exp and 0 gold, half a dozen times. The farthest I've made it is, according to this link, is the guy with the lvl 42 Flygon and lvl 43 Honchkrow. Every time I leave to heal my pokémon, whether it be through "blacking out", or going back inside the Mt. Pyre interior to pay $2,500, I need to defeat all the NPCs again from the very first one. Last time I tried to go through, I ended up using 10 revives and died in the end. I've spent $10,000 healing. This glitch is causing me an extreme loss of $$$ and patience. It is impossible for me to make it to the top if I can't heal my pokemon in between.... I've left the area and returned without healing, and this glitch doesn't happen. It seems to only happen when I heal my pokémon. Is there some way you can solve this for me? Also is it possible for me to get my $25,000 in lost items & useless heals back? If I can't progress then I will have to quit the game.. can't go any further. Thanks, Aldor
  4. It would be unfair to the other players for me to get what I paid for? No, I don't understand. I used an item on the wrong server and have not, and will not be playing on that server again. If you are concerned about the fairness to other players, I more than welcome you to delete that character's info and please put the coins or 30 days time on my Gold server account. I do intend on spending more money on the game for outfits and tools that I want, but I won't be if you guys are essentially stealing my money from me and using an excuse of "fairness" which we both no is not the case as a cover up. What you're telling me just isn't ethical. Is there someone else or an official area for me to make a claim for this?
  5. Is there somewhere I can see about possibly getting my medallion or the equivalent 100 coins onto my gold server? I was brand new to the game and didn't know about servers.. all my friends are on gold and I'm active there now.
  6. Hey there, Bought a MS Medallion to jump right into the fun before I even caught my first pokémon and used it.. turns out I was on Silver server and my friend plays on Gold. Just wondering if the medallion goes by account or server? Really don't wanna have to buy another one :p Thanks, Aldor
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