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About Ericlong

  • Birthday 12/23/1992

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  • Career
    Surgical Technologist Student
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  1. Welcome Vex!
  2. Sorry, updated my original post!
  3. Dang just reset and went into hoenn... It be grinding time!
  4. Thank you so much for this guide, got the last two RC I needed for my 1st 100!
  5. And my my my... how things have changed. Graphics are to die for. New servers. New mechanics. I made this new account, and decided to just start over completely (mainly because I can't remember my password and username xD). I'm finally getting back into the forum life. Just wanted to kick things off with my first shiny find last night! Pic below. Love the community, looks like silver is pretty huge, gonna get gold goin even harder! Pic here
  6. Hello, My name is Eric, i'm 25. I live in Colorado, US; I'm a surgical technologist by day and a regular gamer by night. I have been a massive pokemon fan since its major releases in the united states, way back when I would beg my mother for the latest version that came out. I have played every game including the most recent Ultra sun and moon. Recently I wanted to try out one of these online pokemon MMO games that I've heard so much about. At the recommendation of one of my good friends, we both tried pokemon planet, and didn't enjoy the freakishly insane length of time it took to level pokemon, as well as other mechanics. Finally we looked at other online pkmn games and found this wonderful game. So far, absolutely no regrets at all. I even just enjoyed the splendor of finding my first shiny in PRO: Even took a screenshot! Only played 95 hours, but its been going up at a steady pace, not at all worried about getting to that 120. Though I understand... rules is rules. Kanto and Johto are both done, and at this point I could probably fly through Hoenn's E4 after the 8th gym! Really its to get through the main storyline of all the gens, and then all the customized side area and side quests. After that, just casually play and participate in events. Dip my toe into the PvP life once I get to that min-maxxy part of the game. Having the time of my life so far. 3 things on why I think this guild is my jam. 1. A social active guild is my aim right now, not really attracted to quiet guilds with two or three people online. 2. I'm trying to get more involved, it kinda sucks playing by yourself when your friends can't be on to play, chat, and hangout. 3. My interest in all things fire (especially that of fire type pkmnz) related could be none the less described as pyromaniac at best! xD Of course I'll help other trainers! I'm not gonna pretend that I know everything, cause I don't, but I have been ever so gradually been up-ing my game in the help chat with newbies and their questions that I have learned the answers to during my time here. Thank you for reviewing and considering this app. Hope all goes well. DO let me know if I did something wrong, or if you need more info! Thanks again! Discord ID: Kaze#0640
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