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About Hyroit

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  1. add me in game for negociation ING: Hyroit
  2. WTB epic Larvitar/Pupitar/Tyranitar Atk, def, hp=3x Sdef:+25 Nature: adam/brave or impish
  3. Chicomx wins bo 700k trade end pm me in game Chicomx
  4. Auction ending in 2 hours bo 700k by chiconx
  5. It just fixed, thx for the report!
  6. WTS EPIC Omanyte bold iv's 03 30 31 31 13 29 bo 700k by chicomx - 25/03-10:46am today auction finish in 2 days (26/03-10:59pm UTC-03:00). insta 1,5m https://www.imageshack.us/i/po46kNdKj
  7. fennekin 200k and riolu jolly 150k, whats the time limit of the auction? tell me to me uptade it :D
  8. arcanine 150k and bronzor 170k machamp 330k 3ms for salamance and how much discount for the other pokemon?
  9. arcanine 150k and bronzor 170k machamp 330k
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