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About Youngmucker

  • Birthday 02/19/1992

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Youngmucker's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Are you online now am at event pc
  2. Sure, are you available now?
  3. Hey I can come online now if any good?
  4. I mite be wrong but am sure it was 15 mins from mine to the last bid but if am wrong then 1.150k
  5. Is there the 15min rule?
  6. 1m 50k drill
  7. 700k drill
  8. Are you available online now? What's your ign?
  9. Could you pm when your available online
  10. Hey, some recent relaxed pokes I've caught what I would like to offer to you lovely people. What is not sold will be binned or trained for myself Discord youngmucker#5764 Thank you for looking
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