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  1. accepted cc350k rc 7k starting offer 2m bid 150k insta 7654321P$ sold after 7 days after first bid
  2. https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3933923/my-countdown
  3. bid is 50k your bid wont be accepted
  4. https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/3930963/time-left
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  7. accept cc 350k, rc 7k starting offer 80k, bid 40k - 48hr after first bid sold insta 4201337 P$
  8. accepted cc 350k, rc 7k starting offer 150k, bid 50k - 48hr after first bid sold insta 4201337 P$
  9. accepted cc 350k, rc 7k starting offer 80k, bid 40k - 48hr after first bid sold insta 4201337 P$
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