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About Msguila

  • Birthday January 25

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Msguila's Achievements



  1. Hey ^;^ I am wanting to join a guild! I am; - Active - Friendly - Compassionate - Easy going - Gentle - Intelligent - Honest - LOYAL ♀IGN - MsGuila Membership: Yes Badges: Kanto - 8 Jhoto - 2 :EeveeShy:Playtime: Most nights and I try to play during the day if I'm not working or studying. :CharYay:Reason: Because I want to make new friends specially permanent ones and I like to help people from the guild, give advice and tips.
  2. Hey ^;^ I hope everything goes well with your Guild ^^
  3. Welcome back! I hope you enjoy playing as much as I do ^;^
  4. 환영 (Welcome)
  5. Welcome back ^;^
  6. 환영 (Welcome) ㅎㅎㅎ I hope you enjoy your time playing PRO ^^
  7. Hey Everyone! I am 19 years of age. My IGN is: MsGuila I once played PRO a long long time ago and have decided to return. I'm learning how to make animated signatures so soon I will be able to make them for anyone who wants one. Currently I have completed the 7th gym leader in Kanto and have been grinding some of my Pokemon Ev's. Thanks you taking time to read this
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