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Everything posted by Pokebani

  1. Wtb=Riolu tímid piplup (Empoleon) Pawniard adamant
  2. Re: WTS BOLD EPIC BUDEW ALL 20+ IVS <r>420k <E>:Sleeping:</E></r>
  3. sell good starmie timid bo: 700k instan 1,6m https://imgur.com/a/5luW2
  4. man buy daycare im have 9 pokemos for evs trained
  5. [image][/image]
  6. :Crazy: sell greninja offer or trade
  7. Re: CrowTele13 SHOP [EPIC GARCHOMP , GALLADE & OTHER] <r>500k garchomp <E>:boot:</E></r>
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