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Saitaeia's Achievements

Advanced Trainer

Advanced Trainer (4/12)



  1. Hi Falaise! Welcome! I'm glad to see more of us in the 30+ community in PRO. Also, glad to see more webdevs! Hope you have a great time here!
  2. Welcome to the forums!
  3. Hi Nordic, and welcome!
  4. Howdy, and welcome! I'm sure you'll have a blast in PRO since you've enjoyed Pokemon before!
  5. Hello and welcome!
  6. Welcome :D Hope to see you in-game!
  7. Welcome! :D Hope to see you in-game!
  8. Welcome! Hope you're enjoying the game so far. See you in-game ^^
  9. Welcome to PRO! Hope to see you in-game :)
  10. Hey there Dapper! Welcome to PRO :D Love your gallery stuff on dA! Keep up the fantastic work!
  11. Hi there, Sean! Welcome to PRO, glad you like it so far. :D If you're still looking for a German-speaking community or players, I'd suggest looking at guilds! I know a few people in my own are German speakers, but you might find more elsewhere in a dedicated German guild. Take care!
  12. Welcome to the forums :D
  13. Wait - why not "Keep calm and scary on!" ?
  14. Welcome! Hope to see you around. :)
  15. Hey there! Sorry to hear about the account stuff :( Let me know if I can be of any help. Best wishes and glad to have you back!
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