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  1. Thank you for the reply!
  2. Hello, I've recently evolved my Burmy into a Wormadam in the Sinnoh 2nd gym. The Burmy was pink before it evolved and after it leveled up to 20, it turned into a pink Wormadam. However, the Wormadam type became Bug/Grass (the type of the green Wormadam variant) instead of Bug/Steel. Please advise. Thank you, Beef Briskets
  3. Hello, I've recently evolved my Burmy into a Wormadam in the Sinnoh 2nd gym. The Burmy was pink before it evolved and after it leveled up to 20, it turned into a pink Wormadam. However, the Wormadam type became Bug/Grass (the type of the green Wormadam variant) instead of Bug/Steel. Please advise. Thank you, Beef Briskets
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