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Stenly2000's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Thanks!! Nice update in the forum
  2. In game name: Stenly2000 Post your offer or insta buy it for just 200k! in game name: Stenly2000 Insta is 700k Pls post your offers Insta 250k leave your offers Insta 500k Leave your offers if you think otherwise For the memes Just 250k or a cc offers are welcome! in game name: stenly2000 350k insta offers are welcome! in game name: stenly2000 pvp ready ev trained insta 200k offers are welcome Insta 350k Offers are welcome in game name: stenly2000 Insta 250k offers are welcome! in game name: stenly2000 Insta 450k Offers are welcome! in game name: stenly2000 Strong for rain dance team insta 250k in game name: stenly2000 Offers are welcome! Strong sweeper just 200k in game name; stenly2000 offers are welcome!
  3. Good day! I just opened my first shop for new players and players that are lazy! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/135FO2yTENQjYpUCgG0zGloS8XOMJbSbnt_IFzHzQbR4/edit#gid=0 Example: You want 2 Charmanders level 100 and they are already lvl 30 then it will cost you 17.5k + 10k min is a total of just 27.5k! (The reason i ask min price for level service is the travel ticket) Note: Max level/train time will be 3h and min pokes for dex service is 5! AND if the pokémon is evolved you gotta pay a extra 25k! IF you want it to be lvl 80+ My ingame name: Stenly2000 If you got any questions leave them down below!
  4. WTB Epic Goldeen or Alakazam with sync and roleplay in game name: stenly2000
  5. Good day! I just opened my first shop for new players and players that are lazy! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/135FO2yTENQjYpUCgG0zGloS8XOMJbSbnt_IFzHzQbR4/edit#gid=0 Example: You want 2 Charmanders level 100 and they are already lvl 30 then it will cost you 17.5k + 10k min is a total of just 27.5k! (The reason i ask min price for level service is the travel ticket) Note: Max level/train time will be 3h and min pokes for dex service is 5! AND if the pokémon is evolved you gotta pay a extra 25k! IF you want it to be lvl 80+ My ingame name: Stenly2000 If you got any questions leave them down below!
  6. Sounds good, im in Funchia city. What is your in game name?
  7. Your offer has been placed, insta buy is 250k
  8. Starmie - Insta 850k Weavile - Insta 350k Garchomp - Insta 150k Butterfree - Insta 300k Place your offers, or add me in game They are all EV Trained and ready for PVP In game name: stenly2000 Thanks and have a great time!
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