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About Xvicroger

  • Birthday 06/23/1997

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  1. Congratulation @Bhimoso for win the auction, contact me on game when you are ready for the trade.
  2. Hello guys! Auction for my calm Rotom Wash ready for pvp! Start: 1m min bid: 100k accept: cc 360k each no insta 24h auction.
  3. I've resolve the problem thanks anyway, can close this topic.
  4. this time I complete first part for give fish but I can't fight again the kimono girl again.
  5. Hello, I have a various problem with easter quest, when I try to give to fisher my fish pokemon he take only one finneon and don't continue the quest, next I try to continue the quest with kimono girl fight, I win with 2 of the 4 kimono girl and I look its respawn the npc, I try to retalk with it I can't fight again, please help
  6. I can join in game after 20:00 gmt+1 for take azu @Lebram31
  7. Hello, I'm play chess on Valentine event and I take top 20 and don't get nothing for this qualification. Please staff help me and verify the attendibility of my report.
  8. 1.1m
  9. Close pls for no selling
  10. Hello guyz! Bagon Auction for all! bid start: 100k min bid: 50k finish after first bid: 24h can pay with cc 360k
  11. I'm online
  12. I can log in after 17:00 gmt+1, I try to contact you after.
  13. 900k first gible
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