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Everything posted by Mistahhcat

  1. B.O 900k by Eaglesno1. Offer below or in game. https://imgur.com/zb1n8rf
  2. Buying good iv modest nature Kingdra with swift swim ability.
  3. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (Red Server) Updated!! <t>1. Tell us about yourself!<br/> I make music for a living and love pokemon :)<br/> <br/> 2. What is your nickname in PRO? What server you're playing at? (Red/ Blue)<br/> Mistahhcat and I play on Red server <br/> <br/> 3. How many hours of game play do you have (check your trainer card)? How many badges do you have?<br/> 301 hours and 24 badges<br/> <br/> 4. How old are you? Where do you come from?<br/> 19 from the United States!<br/> <br/> 5. What is your ambition/ final objective in PRO? <br/> To build the best possible team of pokemon and to complete everything in the game. And to make friends along the way of course :)<br/> <br/> 6. Why should we accept you into the Guild?<br/> You should accept me because I love pokemon and have recently been getting more into end game content. I think it is time that I joined a guild!<br/> <br/> 7. Have you in the guild before or maybe you in the guild right now? and tell us the reason that you left.<br/> I have never been in a guild before. <br/> <br/> 8. What is your favorite Pokemon? Why?<br/> My Favorite pokemon is milotic because of it's beauty. <br/> <br/> 9. Are you able to visit our Discord Group?<br/> Yes<br/> <br/> 10. Are you able to follow PRO Rules and Guild Rules?<br/> Yes</t>
  4. Re: Memoire [international guild] all servers! <t>1. How many hours of gameplay do you have?<br/> 250 hours<br/> <br/> 2. Tell us a little about yourself.<br/> I have been playing for awhile and getting into more end game content. I have never been in a guild and thought it was time to join one!<br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord?<br/> Yes<br/> <br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily?<br/> I am on everyday!<br/> <br/> 5. What do you look for in a guild?<br/> Positivity, helpful guild mates and teamwork. <br/> <br/> 6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person?<br/> I enjoy both equally :)<br/> <br/> 7. Which server do you play?<br/> Red</t>
  5. Current B.O 400k by Thayl Offer below or ingame. https://i.imgur.com/KTFd7e7.png
  6. Buying bold slowbro with regenerator ability. Reply on here or add me in game
  7. Price Check https://imgur.com/a/7Rynr
  8. is 400k too much?
  9. Wondering how much this is worth? https://imgur.com/XjLofbJ
  10. Yeah kind of disappointing that this bug hasn't been fixed and the fact that I just spent real money on a boost that is going to waste >.>
  11. currently have a geodude
  12. will my boost be refunded?
  13. can you reset the server?
  14. Whenever I try to connect to my red server account it says "user already logged in" and i'm unable to connect. It has been stuck like this for almost two days now. If I can request a red server reset that would be awesome
  15. Buying Timid/Modest Ninetails with drought ability.
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