Hello everyone wherever you come from XD I want to sell my SUPERB EPIC METAGROSS
Here the img : https://imgur.com/fNsoKd3
Put your price here, The bid end in 10 July 2016 at 3PM GMT+7
Thanks and happy bidding!! :Heart:
Hello sir i want to sell my epic tanker, This is the img : https://imgur.com/EoVXeUl
Start with your best price, But im have a rights to cancel if your price is to low :(
Start now until Saturday, 9 July 2016 at 3 PM (37 Hours again)
Thanks and happy bidding ^^
Hello i want sell this epic adamant speed boost blaziken https://imgur.com/V2rzuag
I want start bid it from 500K, The BO end 24 June 2016 at 3PM GMT+7 or 33 hours again
If you BO you cant cancel your BO
Fake BO will be reported
Happy bidding guys ^^ and thank you
Hello sir, Im sell Verry epic sableye, This is the link : https://imgur.com/DXuqWNg
Im bo it start with 2M, Instant 3M ;) BO Start when the first customer bid it for minimum price and it will be end after 24 hours from the start bid :)
Thanks, Happy bidding and have a Jolly day!!