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  1. Re: Miles' Spawn Guide (updated) <t>I happened to notice that Route 46 is missing from Johto region btw.</t>
  2. Yea, I guess I should of posted this in suggestions and not in general topic, my fault. But thanks for your insights as I was treating this as both a suggestion and a question because I just found it weird is all. Thanks gall for your replies.
  3. If that's how you feel about it, I can see from that side point of view. Just sucks with the limited tm pool how restricted it feels. Thanks for the answer.
  4. Why is it that Shadow Ball tm, the only special ghost type move is only available through Halloween event that isn't working for several days a year? =\
  5. PRO Username: Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Used a pokemon with Cut. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Not sure what I can do. Description and Message Okay so I purchased a Tree Axe so I didn't have to carry around a HM slave for HM - 01 Cut, but when I keybind it to my bar on any of the numbers and walk up to a tree to cut it does nothing. All I get is a green text stating "This is not how you use this item." I actually found out that when I use it and get that text then alt tab out then back in... it'll cut the tree. This is weird? How should I go about fixing this?
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