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About Lovemyrighthand

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  1. Re: Taipouz shop : Dragonite HA + 3 new Poke <t>Hi !<br/> Interested by gengar at 175k ! I insta him. I'm also interested by his pvp item (dont know which one, need your advice on this), hope you still get it ^^.<br/> Do you have some schedule connection, like 23h00 -> 3h00 or something like that ?<br/> Thanks.<br/> <br/> Edit: I was in need and it's a bit urgent, so i bought one in game sorry.</t>
  2. Hello, Im interested by an epic spheal or better with calm nature and the ability ice body. I can accept a Sealeo too. Thanks. Edit : I found this 2 spheal, im interrested by better one, contact me if you had one (spheal or sealeo)
  3. Hello, I just want to buy a good Spheal with calm nature and Ice body for the ability. I can accept a Sealeo . Thanks. Edit : I found this 2 spheal, im interrested by better one, contact me if you had one (spheal or sealeo).
  4. Ok i see ... so thanks for your time, now im advised.
  5. I dont understadn why you dont want to refund players ... it's just the basic function of a support service it's to repair the bug who impact the player. And my rollback appear with no reason, no update, no server crash nothing. Andthis is probably not a rollback.
  6. PRO Username: lovemyrigh Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Disconnected for afk, relog and then the problem appear What have you already tried to solve the problem? Nothing, except contact a GM in game, and told me it was a roll back Description and Message Hello, After a combat (Boss of the 4th arena in celadon city), i disconnectd on the road 7 (got all of my money and stuff) and when i relloged in (30-45 min after) i just lost exactly 40K and some stuff like all my pokeballs (normal, super, ultra ball) and soda pop, limonade. Thanks
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