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  1. The problem is solved for me, thx for the patch. Now Horon has the correct timer when you beat him (3 days) and selecting the first option (I want to rebattle your master) respawned Darkrai in the Alucard castle 3F. Thank you for help :).
  2. Hello guys, I have a big problem with the Dark realm quest. The first day of the event i have done the whole quest but i failed to catch Darkrai. So after a quick searsh I did the Horon boss to refight him. The first time i didn't know that no pokemon should fainted, so i did him a second time with all my pokemon alive and he respawned Alucard. I returned to the Dark realm, redid the whole quest (pexing Arcanine and Clefable) but at the end when i speak to Darkrai at alucard castle 3F to catch him, he disapear with a message like "It was an illusion afterall". Did a miss something or is it a bug ? I hope i will not have to redo the whole dark realm a third time...
  3. Ok i don't know if it's the same for you guys but I solved my issue. When you re battle Alucard you have to take a pokemon with miracle eyes like for the first time you do the quest (in my mind it was only usefull to find the ghosts at the first and second floor). Now i'm able to re-enter the dark realm. I will edit this message if i'm able to catch Darkrai again. However, i still don't know if the respawn of Horon when you walk away is a bug or not. Edit: Ok so i was again in front of Darkrai when you are supposed to catch him but when i talked to him he said "It seems it was an illusion" and he disapear... So i just redid the whole dark real quest for nothing, what a waste of time.
  4. I face the same problem, i failed the catch of Darkrai cause of a random crit. So i beated the boss Horon to return to the dark realm. The first time i did that i didn't knew that I should have all my pokemon alive so he teleported me back to the pokecenter with a message like "haha don't fainted". So i fighted him again with 0 ko this time but when i go back to the Alucard castle 3F there is Alucard in front the statue where we normally face Darkrai and if i beat him he teleport me back to the pokecenter like on yoru screenshot... (and when i try to go back he is stil there, i can rebattle him but the result is the same). Also something strange, when I beat Horon boss, he say at the end that he will come back in 3 day and disapear, but when I take a few steps away he respawn and i can rebattle him. If somone face the same problem or know a solution I am listening. I think it's bugged but if somone can confirm.
  5. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS CHUCK, ELM !!] <t>Got charcoal from Elm.</t>
  6. Nice iv but sorry i'm looking for gale wings ability, not flame body.
  7. Since the last headbutt patch (this saturday), talonflame was replace by Fletchinder in trainer valler and is common there, i do my headbutt turn 2 times yesterday and 1 time today and i got around 2 and 4 Fletchinder everytime, so no that's not just luck. I trade a lot of pokemon everyday, and i check a lot of offers, and i can confirm, around 150 k for just "decent iv", and not "perfect iv" is a good price. So now if you are not here to post an offer, please stop flood this topic. Thank you.
  8. Fletchinder is common at trainer valley (with herdbutt), i got 3/4 every 6 hours, so that's not really a "rare" pokemon.
  9. Hi boys, i'm lookking for a Fletchling (or evolution) with Gale Wings ability, Jolly or Adamant. I'm not looking for perfect IV everywhere, at least good atk & speed. around 150k budget. I am waiting your offers.
  10. I don't know if it's due to a reboot, but i I did my headbutt tour at 03h(AM) and i can headbutt again now at 13h (01h PM), so only 10h after.
  11. Fletchinder and Vigoroth too for me in trainer valley.
  12. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ARNIE !!] <r><QUOTE author="Pintarde"><s> </e></QUOTE> Same for me <br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/443394dratini.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  13. Re: Client stuck on "checking map updates" <r><QUOTE author="JohnCenaa"><s> </e></QUOTE> work for me and my friends, thx !</r>
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